Airport Baggage Handling and Conveyor Systems (BHS)


Baggage handling system (BHS) is operated in several stages. Basically, we can see this
process as check-in, transport of the baggage to loading area, baggage security inspection
and loading to the aircraft.

The results of complex baggage processes result in luggage not being loaded on time, as
well as luggage being transported in the wrong place, thereby increasing costs. In addition,
when baggage and passengers fly separately, they are considered as a violation of the
danger and ICAO requirements for the aircraft.

The baggage handling control system BHS, is designed to track each luggage piece at all
stages of the technological process, and allows the luggage to be loaded safely on the
aircraft only with the passenger to which it belongs. For this reason, the system helps to
minimize or even exclude that the baggage is sent incorrectly. The BHS system addresses
the following main issues:

• Tracking baggage at all stages of the technological process
• Loading of transfer passenger baggage in a timely manner
• Providing passenger with information on baggage claim
• Notifying airport services regarding baggage take-off from flights
• Collection and baggage manifest arrangement

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