Flight Information Display Software (FIDS)


Informing the passengers at the airport is of great importance for the passengers to spend
more time in the terminal. Without the right information, the passengers are delayed at the
airport without knowing where they will go and how long they can reach the boarding gates.
The passenger information system facilitates the travel of both passengers and greeters.

Chaos is inevitable at the airports where the right information does not reach the right users.
An FIDS system is not always limited to the display of flight information. It may also contain a
Flight Information Management System (FIMS). This system is used either as a stand-alone
solution to store and manage flight-related information, or in conjunction with the Airport
Operations Database (AODB) where the airport centrally stores all its operational data.

Some airports have special variants of FIDS such as Baggage Information Display Systems
(BIDS) or Gate Information Display Systems (GIDS). Other airports use a general term as
Passenger Information Display System (PIDS) in order to show their systems.

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