Passenger Services
(Passanger Check-in) Departure Control System
Check-in service is a ticket check and baggage handling at airports.
This is the part where the commercial aircraft load is created and the passenger terminal's
profit is generated, this stage is precisely based on the quality service in the check-in
process. In addition, the rapidity of check-in significantly determines the overall efficiency of
the passenger terminal and the ability of passengers to bring non-aviation income to the
airport. Quick and easier check-in will take longer to travel to shops, cafes and stores.
With a well-organized passenger departure control system (DCS), we are able to serve
passengers quickly.
The main goal of the DCS system is to increase the efficiency of passenger check-ins, to
control the loading of airplanes and to prepare commercial documents. The IS-DCS system
deals with the following tasks:
- Passenger and Reservation List Management
- Boarding Pass and Baggage Label Printing
- Finding Seats for passengers in Airplane Cabin
- Loading and Weight Control and Balance Calculation
- Passenger Boarding Control
- Preparation of Commercial Documnetation for Airplane Take-off
- Receiving and Sending Standard IATA messages