Runway Lighting
Runway lighting is used at airports that allow overnight landings. When viewed from the air,
runway lights form an outline of the track. A runway may have some or all of the following.
Runway end identifier lights (REIL)
Runway Edge Lights
Runway centerline lighting system (RCLS)
Touchdown zone lights (TDZL[6])
Taxiway centerline
Approach lighting system (ALS)
Precision approach path indicator (PAPI)
PAPI is a visual system that allows the aircraft to approach the runway at a safe angle during
approach. The pilot sees whiter when they are too high for safe approach, and in red when
too low. At the safe runway gliding angle, the pilot sees these 2 white, 2 red lamps. PAPI is
described in the international standard International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Aerodromes Annex 14.
Runway edge lights
Runway edge lighting is a landing support lighting that is used in darkness and where the
view of the runway is limited. It is classified in 3 different categories according to airport
High intensity runway lighting (HIRL)
Medium intensity runway lighting (MIRL)
Low intensity runway lighting (LIRL)
Intensity of the Runway Edge Lights can be adjusted gradually by the tower or PLC-
controlled depending on the ground visibility or the pilot's preference (PCL – ARCAL).
Approach lighting system
The approach lighting system is constituted by a combination of lights extending towards a
runway at the end of the track, with a series of flash lights positioned at the approaching end
of the runway. The approach lighting system is often used in conjunction with an approach
system connected to it. The system helps the pilot visually align the airplane with the runway.
Modern Approach lighting systems are an important security sub-system of aviation
operation when the view is limited. Various approaches to lighting configurations have been
defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), as well as various standards
set by different civil aviation authorities.
Taxiway Lighting
Taxiway lighting is a subsystem built to assist pilots in ways that connect hangars, terminals,
aprons, and other facilities. They are designed to be used in night and day operations
besides the instruction signs on the taxi way. A runway can have taxi way lighting, some or
all of the following.
- Taxiway Edge Lights
- Taxiway Centerline Lights
- Clearance Bar Lights
- Runway Guard Lights
- Stop Bar Lights